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Military Tattoos at IU Indianapolis

An IUPUI student poses for the Military Tattoo ProjectMilitary tattoos are a tradition that go back as far as the United States itself. Check out some of our very own IU Indianapolis veteran's tattoos and the stories behind them. 

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IU Indianapolis Celebrates I Veterans Day

Description of the video:

i'm a veteran and i'm a veteran services
coordinator at the office for veterans
and military personnel
today we're going to talk about veterans
day i'm going to give you a brief
history and talk about my experience as
an iupui veteran student veterans day
actually started as armistice day on
november 11th 1919. it was originally to
honor those who had served during world
war one and eventually evolved after
world war ii in korea
to be veterans who had served in any
veterans day is a day that we celebrate
and we remember those who have served
our country honorably i think that the
office for veterans and military
personnel for me when i came to school
was a one-stop shop
for connection to not only students but
also needed resources for myself and for
other students as well
the office for veterans and military
personnel serves over a thousand
students between three campuses iupui
iupuc and iu fort wayne i think what i
love most about my experience as a
student veteran at iupui has probably
been serving on the chancellor's student
advisory board which just underlines
iupui's commitment to non-traditional
students from diverse backgrounds and
was able to give me
an avenue where i could use my voice to
affect the entire student population and
continue to serve we want to send a
special thank you to all our veterans
who have served and for your sacrifices
we are forever grateful for your courage
and dedication and today we want to wish
you a happy veterans day